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The Week By Bhagat Kabeer

Sri Guru Granth Sahebji teachings are for all mankind. It is perhaps the only scripture of its kind which contains within its sacred covers the hymns, utterances and compositions of a wide variety of saints, sages and bards from different religions. Gurbani uses effective use of analogies, idioms, metaphors, similes and allegories explaining a philosophy of action, deed and consequence….. way of living life.


In modern times maintaining 7 days weekly planner is propagated by teachers/trainers advocating it as; makes you productive, better for achieving goals, gets you know your top priorities, makes planning easier, gets you feel more accomplished, improves your focus etc.   


Bhagat Kabeer’s compositions are the largest among 14 other bhagat quoted in Gurbani. There is one composition 7 days of the week by Bhagat Kabeer:  

Bhagat Kabeer baar baar har kay gun gaava-o…..

“Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord each and every day. Meeting with the Guru, you shall come to know the mystery of the Lord.

On Sunday, begin the devotional worship of the Lord and restrain the desires within the temple of the body. When your attention is focused day and night upon that imperishable place, then the celestial flutes play the unstruck melody in tranquil peace and poise.

On Monday, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down from the moon. Tasting it, all poisons are removed in an instant. Restrained by Gurbani, the mind remains indoors; drinking in this Nectar, it is intoxicated.

On Tuesday, understand reality; you must know the way the five thieves work. Those who leave their own home to go out wandering shall feel the terrible wrath of the Lord, their King.

On Wednesday, one's understanding is enlightened. The Lord comes to dwell in the lotus of the heart. Meeting the Guru, one comes to look alike upon pleasure and pain and the inverted lotus is turned upright.

On Thursday, wash off your corruption. Forsake the trinity, and attach yourself to the One God. At the confluence of the three rivers, of knowledge, right action and devotion, there why not wash away your sinful mistakes?

On Friday, keep up and complete your fast; day and night, you must fight against your own self. If you restrain your five senses, then you shall not cast your glance on another.

On Saturday, keep the candle of God's Light steady within your heart; you will be enlightened, inwardly and outwardly. All your karma will be erased”. SGGS Ang344


The spiritual planner helps ensure you get everything done that needs to get done by engaging in learning, realizing and awakening the wisdom of Gurbani and virtues within. The started Bhakti starts trickling down the mind to alert, awake and aware us from lust, anger, greed, attachment & ego (5thieves). Enlightening one’s Buddhi with intellect of applied Gurus wisdom, in one’s daily life makes good learning confronting the Self.  Gurbani says “all the lunar days, and the days of the week are beautiful, when one contemplates the Shabad. If one serves the True Guru, he obtains the fruits of his rewards. The omens and days all come and go. But the Word of the Guru's Shabad is eternal and unchanging SGGS Ang 842


“The mortal’s business is with his own mind; one who disciplines his mind attains perfection. Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind” SGGS 342.


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