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The Hard Teacher

Experience the hard & and best teacher. It gives you the test first and lesson afterwards. Ordinary minds associate experience simply as an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on someone, but for some serious minds experience is the true source of knowledge. Experience doesn't necessarily have to be undergone personally, but can be learnt through others as well.


Most schools have ignored the value of experience. From books the experience gathered though often valuable, is but nature of learning. Whereas the experience gained from actual life is one of the nature of wisdom. Learning from experiences one never graduates and in life we will never reach an age there is nothing left to learn, see or be. Experience is not what happens to an individual, it is what the individual does with what happens to him/her.


Experience is about stories to tell and not stuff to show hence a few spoken experiences of people shared to awaken learning’s of experience in our lives. As they say one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.


Losing is a common experience but in disguise it is a learning experience for it teaches you humility. It teaches you to work harder and importantly a powerful motivator. Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.


People who have built good character, they have grown through their experiences meeting life honestly and courageously. The way they experience the world around them is a direct reflection of the world within them. Experience tells them what to do and their confidence allows them to do it.


Every experience in our life is being orchestrated to teach something you need to know and move forward, hence do not choose joy or sorrow long before you experience it.


The only way to experience love is to give it and then experience the beauty of life. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love grace and gratitude


The mind is the source of all experiences and by changing the direction of the mind; we can change the quality of everything we experience. Caring, sharing and being of service to others is often considered a waste of time. Nothing is a waste of time living in His Simran and Seva. With simple experiences of His connect it binds you more and those with this experience say “God never calls a person to be part of His service, without equipping him”.


“The mind becomes detached and free of desire, when it experiences the fear of God, through the shabad”. SGGS Ang233.


A shabad that makes you desire His connect and experience the Divinity. Ṫis basanṫ jis parabʱ kirpaal…..... “He alone experiences this springtime of the soul, unto whom God grants His Grace. He alone experiences this springtime of the soul, unto whom the Guru is merciful. He alone is joyful, who works for the One Lord. He alone experiences this eternal springtime of the soul, within whose heart the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides. || 1 || This spring comes only to those homes, in which the melody of the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praises resounds SGGS Ang1180


Experience teaches only the teachable. It’s a big world out there it would be a shame not to experience peace living in harmony with all His creations in a busy world. If as humans we are missing His heavenly blessings on earth this may just be but this one time of being human and knowing the creator.  

Life opens up when you bring your Experiences, but not your Expectations to all you do.


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