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The Faults You Repair

A class of 20 students was in progress, an un-well student requests to use the rest room. On return finds his wrist watch missing from his desk which he placed before going to the restroom. He walks up to the teacher and mentions about his missing watch giving details of it.


The wise teacher thought none except one left the class so quite likely the watch has to be with one student. He asks all students including the boy who lost his watch to interchange their seats, blind fold themselves and he stepped out of the class for a minute. On return the teacher starts examining and in some time finds the watch but continues to examine all 20. He then walks to the class door asking students to remove their eye bands and return to their seats, while he again steps out of the class. On return he hands over the lost watch to the student it belonged and continues with his teachings.


After school the student whose watch was lost meets the teacher alone thanks him and questions why he blindfolded all students. The teacher replied, "I realized the act was committed not by a professional mind. Often such minds believe that admitting a fault means they no longer have to correct it and I had to repair the mind that conducted the fault. Stealing the watch was one fault, soon there could be more faults by others going abusive, angry, shaming the culprit his family. It is common people look for opportunities to find fault in others; within family, in building societies, schools, at work within colleagues, between business houses, charitable or political organizations etc. Many enjoy indulging in mass shaming on finding faults with others and use it to rise in their life, gain popularity, or simply because of their traits being selfish, egoistic, hatred, anger, arrogance, misusing power etc.

You got your watch, being blind folded neither you nor others got to know who to hate in this exercise, but trust me the person who stole is very much in pain as we speak". The student did not ask who it was, thanked the teacher and went away.


Years went by and at one school reunion event the boy who stole the watch now a successful professional noticed the teacher who had caught him. He walks up to the teacher touches his feet and tells him sir I am the boy you caught with the watch in class 10th. Ashamed to look you in the eye haven’t said sorry nor thanked you for not letting anyone know. Had I been caught and shamed I was all mind to commit suicide. Your silence in repairing my fault pained me then and still haunts me. The teacher looked closely at him and said Oh! it was you, I too did not know until now because when I asked all students to blind fold their eyes I blind folded mine too with only little visibility of the floor to walk up to students for checking.


Faults must be reprimanded but choose a way and manner to repair faults with remedy and not hatred. Like our Divine has no anger or vengeance; He looks upon son and enemy alike. Removing faults and mistakes, He purifies the human body, but we mortals sit and form alliances complaining about other peoples' faults, while our own self-conceit increases.  


If the mind is tied to its faults, it will suffer terrible pain in its body. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Naam Simran is the supreme wealth and remedy while in human form.


“Let’s meditate, meditate in His remembrance with every breath”.


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