A fish was going around asking for the ocean. An elderly fish answered that’s where you are in right now. No this is water what I want is the ocean said the young fish. Many humans are like the young fish when it comes to knowing their soul. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal is the soul. Our body is the physical aspect of our self that carries us through life and allows one to experience the world through the five senses. Soul is that intangible part of us that is referred to as our essence.
Nothing ache’s a ‘Soul’ more than to live in a body yet distant and ignored or among people who do not understand soul.
Gurbani says “One who, in his soul, loves the Will of God, is said to be Jivan Mukta — liberated while yet alive. As is joy, so is sorrow to him. He is in eternal bliss, and is not separated from God. As is gold, so is dust to him. As is ambrosial nectar, so is bitter poison to him. As is honour, so is dishonour. As is the beggar, so is the king. Whatever God ordains, that is his way. O Nanak, that being is known as Jivan Mukta". SGGS275.
If one is not in a state of Jivan Mukta there is nothing outside that individual to be blamed. The voice of our soul consciousness when shunted down by the noise of the world fails to realise the inclusiveness of soul to our body that helps knowing the ability to change all dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. Each soul is potentially divine and the goal with each one is to manifest the divinity within and be aware of eternity not just of the present moment. Freedom for a being should mean the power to act by soul guidance, not by compulsions of desires and habits. Obeying the ego will lead to bondage but listening to the soul brings liberation.
A soul never aches when connected with the Creator the Giver and the Forgiver by constant Naam Simran.
The soul consciousness helps prevail over the mind. Its presence when realized surprises many how close it has been within and was still not interacted with. All it takes; “O my soul I need to get friendlier with you, chanting the name of the ONE, initiating a belief to remove the filth within. The soul helps identify the sins and errors conducted, collaborating with mind to seek penance and forgiveness. Reciting Lords name serves as the ambrosial nectar bringing life to any forgotten dead like soul, purifying even sinners.
“One who conquers his own soul, wins the battle of life” SGGS Ang256. Every human being is designed to experience the higher consciousness, possible only when one works with the inner self. It is the soul that can carry real wealth of profoundness of actions and experiences through life and death for the dead and alive, only if we listen and take its guidance. Accept the reality a beautiful face will change and a perfect body will change but a beautiful soul will always be beautiful in one’s life time and beyond.
Seeing a living entity we should identify a soul rather than a body. Possible only if one’s soul gets connected to reality of the creator and His way of living, to accept and love all beings equally and developing the self into a better and understanding person.
DSC Learning is all about “learning and writing for the soul”. Reading it for the mind alone will not impact the same. To be continued.