Art in an individual is ones expressions of thoughts, feelings and experiences. The essence of all beautiful and great art is gratitude. One has to work hard for the art in you in keeping it simple and still have meaning. One can believe art is the highest form of hope and every child is an artist, the challenge is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
The expressions or application of human creative skill and imagination is the art we need to do well with. One must befriend good sense to be creative and distant the enemy of creativity being self-doubt. A blank canvass has unlimited possibilities and the art in an individual gets its wings as a child who learns to trust ideas and explore what is possible. Art enables us to find ourselves but as we grow old the crudeness of reality prevails to shadow one’s art.
It is important to understand the aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things but their inward significance. Those who get knowing art it helps them enjoy little and endure it too. Art is at its best when it comes from the heart with passion and not by just some techniques to follow. It screams of the individual’s freedom where one gets creative without the fear of being wrong and importantly one is in touch with nature and truly in love with all people. That in art is highest which aims at this so why not pour your art out.
All nature is God’s art we are God’s work of art and our art must be our expression of delight in God’s work not portraying the self but used onto His glory. "The Art of God is full of His heart, full of love, music, creativity, composition, and compassion, which drives life, science, math, language, technology, history, society, nature, physics, time, and galaxies for His children to explore in His playground”.
Spirituality and art are inseparable and many times a deeper spiritual connection with God happens. During this process there’s an emotional release, a rush of pleasure and feelings of overwhelming joy that are rarely found in any other experience. Creating an image that emerges from within has a more mystical character than simply copying something.
God made us visual beings so that we can enjoy His visible handiwork. All creation reflects who He is—his magnificence, his creativity, his beauty, his grandeur and he wants us to see it. Knowing the many shades of art it is only fair to say art is natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment taking one’s heart to unexpected directions.
Let our art be the journey of the free soul, which washes away from the soul dust of everyday life. Stay assured the art of play with God will always have the potentiality to point to God so keep pouring your art out.