The creator enjoyed time spent on His creations, giving the gift of nature free and universal for all. Everything He created is in perfection and with a purpose; it is different humans over generations take pride and is possessive over their creations using science and technology with patented rights. Modernization has been quite aggressive excavating, constructing, consuming and destroying many a natures gift/resources, with it - on it - or around it, resulting in imbalances in the law of nature. The law of the land do less to safe guard rights of Mother Nature thus face the consequences of manmade disasters now seen frequently and globally.
Stones in their variety have been part of us used in building material, cosmetics, cars, roads appliances, jewelry etc. Stone can represent firmness and also reflects the quality of refusing to change one’s opinion and behavior. Stone in deeper relevance connects to many a diverse meanings reflecting upon our thinking, behavior character and actions.
It is just getting too common seeing people around having a heart of stone; holding much ego and greed to behave coldly, uncaring and not emphatic unmoved without emotions. Pelting stones can disrupt peace while some stones serve as Headstone - placed at the head end of a grave while resting in peace. In some cultures as tradition, leaving a stone at a grave for the family is to make them know someone had visited the grave paying respect to the departed.
Stone has no life but it can be teeming with life. Microscopic organisms, moss, lichen, fungi, all this as life can fill or cover the rock with life but the stone itself is not alive. For the lack of knowing God, humans have difficulty in accepting God the creator is the real caretaker and protector not just for humans but for all the livings he has created. The rocks cracks are homes to a community of bacteria as dense as the human gut, all the living find their feed until the time they are due for a change.
We have many agendas in life, but being the Philosophers Stone can be a priority too. The "Philosopher's Stone" is a term used to describe the inner transformation that happens when the Guru gives the experience of "Ang Sang WaheGuru!" (always around me, always there along with me.) When you experience your True Identity you are transformed in your body, mind, soul and consciousness. Taking the name of your lord (Naam Simran) makes you reach the creator and meet the perfect Guru - the Philosopher’s Stone. Now when one meets the True Guru, do not stop there as now you become the Philosophers stone, having a bigger role to play.
One needs to realise the power of worship and Gurbani asserts “gur parsaadee har ras paavahi…. “By Guru's Grace, you shall obtain the sublime elixir of the Lord; by continually drinking it in, you shall have eternal peace. When one meets the True Guru, he becomes the philosopher's stone, with the ability to transform others, inspiring them to worship the Lord.” SGGS Ang491
Without instructing one’s own mind, how can one instruct others, hence do not miss your stone of life opportunity in making room for the set of beliefs and values that control how you see and experience the world in first reaching out to the Guru. “In the home of your own being, is the Philosopher's Stone; renounce your search for any other virtue”. SGGS Ang325.
Blessings to all, obtain the sublime elixir of the Lord meeting the True Guru and be the philosopher's stone.