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Multiple Recipes on Acceptance

The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered is about knowing acceptance. The ease or difficulty in managing acceptance is upon the individual’s capability, for it requires wisdom in knowing what, when, how to accept. A popular recipe in cooking acceptance as part of one’s life is using ingredients of acknowledging - understanding reality and also one’s actions and behavior.   


Stop fighting reality, start accepting it. This works well for some, with few others the moment they stop accepting challenges they stop moving forward. To be doing it right one has to have strong mind ready to accept facts as they are. Accepting one’s life to what it is and then working from that, is being wise. Accepting responsibility, learning, evolving and taking the first step is to change with awareness the second being acceptance. The aroma of a well-cooked acceptance is when one’s judgement stops at reality accepting of what it is, resulting in freeing the mind making room for love, for joy and for peace.


Each one has to accept responsibility for their life for it is you who will get you where you want to go – no one else. Neither must one refuse to accept help when needed nor refuse to give help when asked. Accepting help is its own kind of strength and in doing so one has accepted others presence. While acceptance of others is the key to happy relationships, criticizing the self in the past usually may have not helped much, hence better for the rest of life accept the self all over again responsibly. 


There are times one has to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to what they used to be. Separations at death are tough to cope with. One must train the mind to reach peace by accepting it with one’s heart that the soul is getting back to the Creator where it belongs. In grief the best tribute is prayers and blessing as pure expressions of our love and respect to the departed soul and then cherishing fond memories to overcome the physical separation.

What one accepts in victory is never the same while dealing with failures or defeat. Everyone fails some time or the other, while accepting failures never accept not trying again.


It is not our differences that divide us but the inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences. Forgiveness is hard, acceptance is doable and as we grow older one tends to believe greatest kindness in one is acceptance. This does not mean with acceptance life gets better it just means that one’s way of living life on life’s terms improves. Everything in this universe wants to be loved and accepted. Our personal contribution is to find the love and acceptance within ourselves. Expressions in Bible reflect "Spiritual acceptance is a trust process. When you do surrender your past and give God your wounds, he joins you in the journey of restoration whereby His love begins to replace the pain in your heart". 


Gurbani sayings….. aithai DhanDh pitaa-ee-ai sach likhat parvaan…”In this world, people are engrossed in false pursuits, but in the world hereafter, only the account of your true actions is accepted”. SGGS ANG21


ikas si-o man maani-aa taa ho-aa nihchal cheet. “When the mind accepts, and is satisfied with the One (ek), then the consciousness becomes steady and stable”. SGGS ANG44


satgur sayvay aapnaa so sir laykhai laa-ay. “Those who serve their True Guru are certified and accepted. They eradicate selfishness and conceit from within; they remain lovingly absorbed in the True One SGGS Ang88


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