A teacher starts writing on the board “Egoistic, liar, cheat, loser, gossiper, careless, bad habits, introvert, fearful, vengeful, forgetful, bad organizer, not a team person, lethargic, untidy, greedy, no dressing sense, non-cooperative, living in past, holds no secret, disrespectful, law breaker, show off, shy, miser, bully, depressed, worries a lot, talkative, bad temper, carefree, no sense of timing, mocks, negative talker, postpone, does not forgive easy, takes no responsibilities,” The teacher turns around and says each one in the class has one or many of these qualities mentioned on the board. These are some bad things students wrote about others without disclosing their name or their friends in separate sheets yesterday.
Often one does not realize but others seem to notice. Strange but these qualities mentioned are adopted by one’s own choice, hence part of your conscious and subconscious mind. Let this be an awakening to discard the bad qualities sooner the better, as tomorrow these are more likely to hinder and harm your personality, carrier, profession and relationships. Awakening here is not to be changing who you are, but discarding who you are not.
‘Mind to Reset’ with pun intended seems a good learning to practice much as an ongoing practice. Our conscious mind seems to get all attention and glamour as it communicates to the outside world and the inner self through speech, images, writing, physical movement and thoughts. The awareness content from the 5 senses is first received by the conscious mind which is 10% of the brain and where everything is subject to logical evaluation Yes or No keeping with reality. 90% brain is the subconscious mind which guides decision offering insights that go beyond logical reasoning.
The conscious mind writes the script and those things that take much attention, with interest, frequently used strong emotions and images, these then get passed and become part of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of it and for every action sends reactions instantly and automatically to the conscious mind. An example after learning cycling one does not have to focus on balancing, pedaling, braking, turning handle they just happen automatically.
The subconscious mind can be the spoil sport at times to destroy or harm one’s plans, dreams and passion. How this happens: imagine telling yourself I am a loser all the time. This gets inscribed in the subconscious mind so when an action of challenge or any new opportunity comes your way, the subconscious reacts by sending multiple negative thoughts to the conscious mind of fear, failure, doubts, incompetency, insecurity etc.
With these reactions the conscious minds says No and there goes waste an opportunity. Many are prone to mental illness or delay recovery in similar manner.
Ensure conscious and subconscious minds are at peace, motivated, positive and disciplined which brings harmony within them and their reactions deal better with health, wealth and challenges. When dealing with subconscious resetting all contents must be in affirmative; “I will succeed” and never “I will not fail”. Keep conscious mind rewrite your scripts of weakness and flaws all the time, keep it in control and reject what means nothing to your reality.
One reality of life and beyond is doing Nam Simran and knowing Gods way of life, a feed for the conscious mind and then settling it in the subconscious mind for keeps. Now when subconscious has all the script of (truth, honest-labour, generosity, happiness, calmness, sharing, caring, love, respect, fairness, ethics, morals, and wellness for all) in reaction the minds conduct all actions (karmas) wisely.
Like always a brief, explore more at your end why you would Mind To Reset.
well written. Difficult to practice.