Mansukh was back early next morning and quietly goes and sits in front of the container and the stones he was connecting with yesterday. He kept staring at them for some time and then removes all the stones from the container and puts in the statue he made yesterday. He then looks at Mahatma ji and softly says today my mind seems less occupied I want to understand my mind.
For some time mahatma remained silent and then tells Mansukh, you came disturbed yesterday morning wanting to stop the brain or emptying the brain, all in all blaming the brain for all the mess you were in. I wondered, gosh it has taken millions of years for the mind to reach such dimensions and capabilities and which is the most important faculty of a human’s life and people talk & use it with much less understanding. No one says their kidney, liver, heart, eyes to stop even in their disorder and pain, but one take liberties belittling the mind. A major trait with most people is to allow the mind to tell its story when each must tell the mind what to do. When one lets the mind to control it takes liberties and often keeps one in a state of confusion, anxiety depression. Not ending here it is capable to reflect upon one’s eating disorders and health issues.
Hearing is the ability to use the ears only and for most that’s a state they relate with. In contrast listening is a skill that requires one to use senses including seeing, hearing, and the sense of touch. When I was stern loud and clear with you yesterday to work on the first stone you picked, the psychological listening activated in you and the brain interpreted a message you listened to. When there are many options one tends to get distracted but when your choice was restricted you put everything about yourself into doing it and chiseled a beautiful sculpture. Until one believes having options, one continues to feel stuck. It is not always true to have options to make a choice.
In the last one hour yesterday you proved a saying true “focusing determines one’s reality”. When one focuses mind and attention it disregards conspiracy of any distractions and irrelevant thoughts within. The ability to focus on an action doing one’s best, is what created the beautiful statue and the pleasantness in your state today. The mind has two abilities: one is to focus and the other is expanding or relaxing, each individual has the choice and some choose well.
Mahatma asks Mansukh to be careful in selecting people who care for you and not gossip, especially if they are the ones influencing you. Promise yourself to keep all negative influence at distance including one’s own thoughts that identifies with something you are not. No need to stop the mind or freeze it, bring the space between you and the mind, by not indulging in negative self-talk, doubts, worries, fears and especially those thoughts related to future uncertainties or past wrong doings.
Do not let overthinking run you and the only thing to help is the constant Nam Simran of the lord you worship. There must be a constant connect with consciousness, that deals and prevails upon the mind better.
“jotee jot milaa-ee-ai surtee surat sanjog".... “When one’s light merges into the Light and one’s intuitive consciousness is joined with the Intuitive Consciousness, then one’s cruel and violent instincts and egotism depart, and skepticism and sorrow are taken away. The Lord abides within the mind of the Gurmukh who merges in the Lord’s Union, through the Guru”. SGGS Ang21