Over generation’s cultures, lifestyles, social compatibilities have undergone senseless alterations only to survive a patronage to I -Me -My existence. Since 2000 the social media presence is compulsively and excessively being adopted only to largely interfere in our lives and often wrongly influencing our thoughts, feeling, actions, behavior and habits hampering the very existence of being together. Every social change leaves a trail an aftermath, as in good bad or ugly. Elections did their share too.
One fine morning the peace within one’s body got disrupted as few organs took to confrontations. The hands stood up to propagate I do all the work then why do other bodies pay respects touching the feet. The hands questioned the feet what is it that you do to earn that respect. The feet said had I not walked all that way with you how would you get to do what you do.
Hold on intervened the eyes, if it was not for me the hands would not have been able to do things well and as for you Mr Feet how easy would you reach without seeing. The protest by the three soon replicated how most minds express in society; defaming, abusing and belittling each other. One day there seemed some collation and reasoning, if we three are working what is it that the stomach does to get all the delicious food to relish. Soon together an anti-campaign is launched ‘food to the stomach must be stopped’.
The stomach gently responded you starve me and your wellness will also be compromised. Looking at stomach taking prominence the liver came up with its breaking views. Even if stomach gets food to eat it is the liver that helps the food to be digested, no digestion no formation of blood. Absence of fresh blood strength and energy levels can collapse the body. Trust the media for breaking news of division, soon the tongue, lung, bones, ears, kidney and more were influenced in filing their nomination for claiming their supremacy widening the unrest.
The presence of cells in a body exceeds 36 trillion in a male adult, 28 trillion cells in an adult female and 17trillion in children. The large cells population in every part and organ within the body choose to reach out as loyal for good sense to prevail upon all organs. The cells realized fragility of the mind and heart in one’s body was being exploited by the organs to establish their supremacy. The cells were also aware without the applied awareness of the Soul the happiness cannot arise in the body and if each organ realizes this, it could end all the desires of greed and selfishness. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself, the challenge was to silence greed and ego in organs. Together all the cells increased the awareness pursuing each organ to starve its ego and connect with the soul. The organs soon realized they cannot detach the consciousness which is the intent and purpose for each of them, thus ended the senseless desire for supremacy and politics within organs.
The creator’s gift ‘human body’ is a marvel of nature’s engineering; where every single cell, organ, vessels, bone & fluids in their countless functioning work simultaneously. Every single matter inside a human body depends on each other & its functioning compliments the entire body as one whole. Divisions in the body can only harm its existence. Follow your Soul it knows the way to the Creator (Ek)…. the only way to offset hatred in millions.
Mataa asoorat avar si-aanap jan ka-o kachhoo na aa-i-o…... “The humble servant of the Lord has no plans, politics or other clever tricks. Whenever the occasion arises, there, he meditates on the Lord”. SGGS Ang498.