In continuation to the last post, Kulguru gifted the fabric with writings to the host and for some time it kept circulating among relatives and friends taking pictures of the script.
Drawing every ones attention Kulguru spoke, people for their houses choose the best of architecture and interiors and then make place for all materialistic choices for one’s comfort. Strangely most fail in keeping equal enthusiasm to make place for love and respect in people’s heart and minds they live with.
A home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love. The home must know joy, every room to hold laughter and every window to open to great possibilities. If you don’t see much of these you are far from a home with feelings.
In the Indian culture family houses have seen re-arrangements: the joint family system house (a dying concept), patrilocal family house, nuclear family house and now a recent choice of single parent house.
Kulguru also expressed often and not out of necessity, the new generation is choosing to grow up get married and live separate, in spite of space in their parental house. Although one compensates with maintenance to support parents, but in the bargain the proximity of gains from seva and wisdom by being together with elders is compromised. Most live their dream of independence having their own home, but marriage with time for some is no more the best in togetherness.
The importance and indispensability of a good home for our body is known to all, but we need to also recognize the necessity of a similar good home for our thoughts. Home is an emotion and at times in it there is a lot of commotion. One’s growing ego and mindful of differences with doubts, possessiveness, dislikes gradually distances the companionship, making each other’s company a travel as with two strangers.
The once falling in love charm graduates to failing in love. Nothing but a supportive family reflects warmth and love as a powerful energy to transform a home place with feeling.
Spiritual earnings are a must which bring in the Divine’s grace for corrective good karmas in thoughts and actions filling the ‘treasure chest of living’ with financial affluence, emotional security and importantly a conscious mind of a better human being, managing the self and others better.
Gurbani draws our attention saying the external home is in commotion because within the home in your inner being where the Mansion of the Lord’s Presence has, is yet not been connected with one’s intuitive ease.
Quotes from Gurbani one for the home within and the other for the worldly home:
Bin bʰaagaa saṫgur naa milæ gʰar bætʰi▫aa nikat niṫ paas… “Without destiny, the True Guru is not found, even though He sits within the home of our own inner being, always near and close at hand.” SGGS ANG40
Mera Ghar banya ban tal bania…. “My home is made, woods and water surround, I see my love O Ram, my mind is adorned, my friends rejoice, I sing the songs of joy O Ram.”