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Handle with care - INFLUENCE

An old man lived in a small hut on a mountain side and during one of his regular walk noticed a stone that was not anything ordinary. Picking the stone he placed it in his hut next to his deity’s statue. It was usual for trekkers lost or low on food supplies to knock and seek assistance from the old man. This time a young traveler out of curiosity who are the occupants to this hut knocked, greeted by the old man he choose to spend some time with him.


They sat for long discussing various matters which became good learning for the young visitor. A little later while the old man was making tea the young man noticed the stone and asked the old man if he would part with the stone. The old man kept silent for a while but agreed to give. As the visitor left he was rejoicing his good fortune, for he knew the stone was worth enough to give him financial security for a long time. But two days later the man came back to return the stone to the old man.

He said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone”.


The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself is what ‘Influence’ is and both the giver and the receiver must handle it with care. The wise say think twice before you speak because your words can influence and plant the seeds of either success or failure in the minds of another. Blessed is the true loving human soul having the ability to drive actions, power to affect others decisions by placing others first. The charisma of such souls is in attracting, inspiring and influencing others with a genuine desire to understand and uplift others, so hard to find in today’s world. In today’s advanced society most influencers are manipulators having the mentality to secretly control the other to benefit oneself.


A common weakness of human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influence of other people. Most claim they do not let anyone push them off course with their influence, but then there are the smart manipulators who nudge you off course and one does not realise, until much later.

In the Gurukool days it was said “a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Good leadership is not authority but influence and is effective only when it inspires and not manipulate.


The influence of spirituality helps abandon egotism and grasp the sanctuary of the Saints to be then liberated.  

Gurbani over several verses have talked about the wrong influence mortals indulge. “Intoxicated with Maya and its riches, involved in corrupt pleasures, you have not sought the Sanctuary of the Lord. || Pause || This whole world is just a dream; why does seeing it fill you with greed? Everything that has been created will be destroyed; nothing will remain……SGGS Ang1231”


I was taught but I never learned is a state with most minds. Self-realization or with the influence of someone or something getting to know what faults one is filled with and to then correct them is walking the path of the Creator, a blessing with human beings only.


Knowing and living in His Hukum is very fulfilling and could well influence the experience of heaven on earth.

1 Comment

Umesh grover
Umesh grover
Nov 03, 2024

Very absorbing story and a good impactful learning experience

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