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At some point in life doubt comes in different ways for different people but its purpose is usually the same: to hinder, delay, to make you change your mind about a decision. Doubt is often associated with uncertainty, ambivalence, hesitations, questioning, and seeking reassurance. Doubt in its healthy dosage works but for most it discovers difficulties it never solves.


To doubt the self is not a good thing, but it is something that happens. How we go about these doubts is what really separates the average from the great. It all starts as a child when at first the mind of a child is naturally optimistic, with strong believes that anything is possible. This is one of the reasons why it is easier to convince a child than an adult.


A child does not have doubts by nature this means somewhere between childhood and adulthood doubts begin to creep in. A child growing in age and in stature, is adventurous, curious and wants to try new things, but society in the form of family, friends and people in general are barriers. Some children go to school with hopes and dreams but a school is an institution and institutions often turn down initiatives simply because they do not have it in them. With little room for creativity at home or school though often not intentionally, hopes and dreams of a child are swept under the carpet.


With a series of failures, “No’s” and rejections the child builds insecurities while growing up, to become all the doubtful people around. Insecurities are what cause us to doubt ourselves, insecurities grow with us over time and whenever we want to embark on a new adventure, try a new lifestyle, they reveal themselves in the form of doubts. Soon it begins to hinder ones potential.


Doubt in disguise kills more dreams than failure will ever will. Doubt is always about something positive, you doubt someone’s honesty, but never doubt their dishonesty. A wise said people enjoy influencing others to doubt what they trust, worse is when one’s own bones sends whispers of doubts to their heart. Our doubts are traitors that make us loose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt.


Gurbani being the mirror to mind shows the mind its flaws, defects vices or Bikaar (i.e. lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and their countless variations). Addressing the mind not on physical pain and suffering but about pain and suffering experienced at the level of mind (conscience) from the attributes of a doubt-ridden mind.

The mind deluded by doubt, buzzes (wanders) around like a bumblebee (SGGS 1188).

The disease of doubt (causes) separation and duality in the mind (SGGS 416)


Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms. Love doesn’t die because of distance it dies because of doubt. In the spiritual process the first fundamental is to drop all doubts. Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. One’s true courage is being rooted in the God who appears, when God disappears in the anxiety of doubt.


The doubt must die off for it is a crushing load on mind. The gift of human life is an opportunity to unload the mind of this burden. Why carry this crushing load around longer and keep suffering throughout life when it is your choice to end it here and now. One has to reform the self to realize God, when you realize Him one rejoices a spiritual bliss and the entire world becomes yours.


Those who know Him never doubt Him. Those who doubt Him never knew Him.


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