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Do Not Excuse Yourself ......

Hold yourself responsible for higher human standard than anybody expects of you and do not excuse yourself.


Raising one’s own human standards is often compromised and when we tend to excuse ourselves by not raising it periodically one fails to bring the changes in life one is pursuing. High standards do protect one from low quality experiences. The issue in most cases is people see standards of others at ceilings and theirs at floor but still do not attempt to work on redefining their own standards.


Setting standards works well when one expects them from others or in use with science and technology. In most Mechanisation and computer based operations high standards seem to have been mastered, to the extent the creation of artificial intelligence by human minds now outsmarts many human capabilities in many areas. The human seems to be a good creator of standards on quality, quantity and effectiveness in other things but neglects and is losing in keeping a more relevant practice of managing his standards of basics in human life.


The highest gift of Life is to be born as a human and strangely understanding of humanity over generations is far from its truth that people generally practice. Basics of humanity are being compromised as people are getting too busy making a living and forgetting to make life.   


Humanity has its innate capacity for interest in the well-being of others but something inside an individual wants to lower those standards. One has to work hard to build personal standards that nothing influences to lower its expressions in simply being respectful, helpful, valuing, nurturing, protective, and altruistic behavior. If ones human standards are in place it allows one to grow beyond the limitations of personal experience and prejudice, in adversity it motivates sacrifice, in emergency it motivates rescue. You have to be in touch with humanity, feel humanity and the day you are not in gratitude to the creator for giving another day of life as a human, your personal standards have fallen.  


Low standard product or services have no takers and whichever success one pursues success will never lower its standards to accommodate an individual’s low; rather one has to raise standards to achieve it. Know it well where there are no standards there can be no improvement. Low standards invite anxiety, anger, resentment and the rule of blame is that it eventually goes to the closest person and harms relations. The more we blame and are blamed, the more powerless we feel. All anxious times seem to bring out the worst in people. They make us intolerant of disagreement, divide us into factions, and, in the worst case, lead us to demonize those who seem different. In anxious times, we seek to devalue rather than understand. The tendency to devalue will only impair the ability to comprehend.


Every human standard must enhance and protect the welfare of others, if necessary, sacrifice for the greater good. Let ones attitude know; equal to all superior to none. Bring in the behavior that is respectful of everyone. Set standards that I'll be respectful to you because it's the right thing to do and will make it more likely that you'll be respectful to someone else, who then may be respectful to yet another person. Realize that you raise self-value by valuing others and lower it by devaluing others.


Every individual’s high standard of living will only measure well as the quality of life for the community or society and truly the world to be a better place.


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