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A failure to do something is default. In the financial world this word has stronger response & implications. Default has a brighter side let’s befriend its goodness and incorporate it into our daily activity.     


The human mind while expanding its technological capabilities introduces default settings in many of its electrical-electronic creations. Over the years the default settings now ensures that systems/software are functional and usable right away without requiring extensive time on setup.

Fair to say the standards they have set: they want you to know without having to tell you. In situations where the user changes many settings resulting in chaos, the well-planned default setting or the so called factory setting easily helps to give it a restart.


Continuous work by human minds on artificial intelligence is efficiently, effectively eliminating human participation and building machines intelligence with humongous amount of default settings. Comparatively the human mind seems to ignore and develop default settings for it to produce values, ethics morals across humanity the basics for better living. Elders and institutions that earlier did provide do not impress upon as much in recent times.  


The absence of default settings is quite visible with people who assume anger, misery, jealousy, pain and suffering are the doings of others. The fact is, it does not happen by others but a choice of one’s own doings. If what is happening to you is not happening your way, surely one has to make corrections, but many are in denial or doubt how to help themselves.


It may be good learning to take stock of those thoughts which one turns to when the mind is empty, idle, bored or fallow, on a long walk, in a traffic jam, in flight or long distant travel, moments before sleep etc. This conscious knowing of what you think will make you realize what you blame others for is all your minds creations. Needless to say how unpleasant they can be.

The minds that have programmed default settings and in the same situation or even in worse times of loss and grief have thoughts that help them manage those moments in a better framework. The manner you see the world, the process you experience is all constructive energizing, joy-filled and full of the positivity.

Choosing the right default values like love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control is the need over all humanity to include in their default settings.

A simple individuals reflex response when in fright, pain, shock or even in joy for most is to react with abusive words. It could well be the name of one’s God but those default settings are not activated. There are those who set their default values for social expectations and personal desires; however nothing but the spiritual defaults will override the worldly chaotic choices for each one of us.


A simple start or the default reset on this path is to have Creator the first responder, the closer we have Him our Ask and Gratitude get better. As we work to create better habits, practices and experiences in sharing and caring we develop and grow on His path. This spiritual reset allows us to sit before God knowing His presence within us and take Him along for all the challenges one chooses to endeavor.


Simple resetting of better defaults will ‘dissolve problems’ rather than wasting time and energy in ‘solving problems’. When gratitude is your default setting the ordinary becomes extraordinary.


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