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DAILY WASTE.... some being enjoyed

Wastes are generally any substance unwanted or unusable materials discarded after primary use or defective and for now include talking and listening.  


The daily solid waste (garbage) in urban India as food materials, plastics, cardboard, rubber, metal, paper, wood, fabric, chemicals, etc. is a collection of 1.15 lakh tons per day. Mumbai’s daily plastic waste is around 9000 tons, of which only 10 to 15% is collected and recycled. Bulk of it is burnt or dumped into landfills. (Stats as on Sept. 2022). Every individual can be part of the solution; by not littering, ensuring segregation of house garbage as per local municipal authority standards. Recycling reduces burden on landfills hence citizens must tie up with agencies that collect plastics and e-waste separately. There is much need to manage this waste better. 


Surprising but daily garbage from computers and smartphones also needs to be managed. The kinds like Java garbage collection facilitate with its automatic process looking at heap memory, identifying which objects are in use and which are not and deleting the unused objects. Needless to say if this daily waste is not managed well memory leaks, memory allocations and optimization could affect operational efficiency.


Listening with ears and eyes for an average time of 194 minutes per day on social media by an Indian population of 462.0 million (as per Jan 2024 stats) has a lot of waste to handle each day. This exposure results in mental diarrhea among many individuals who are messing all over in homes, work place, on television and on streets. Bad effects from social media are screaming in scholarly articles with scientific reports to cause mental disorders. Waste received as inappropriate forwards must end in your bin, no reason to forward/gift others.    

News with Views into our homes via television has largely become a waste breeding ground as somebody nobody and everybody freely dump their freedom of speech. Most of what we get to listen is coming from people who have no authority on the matter, talking to idiot box viewers that can do nothing in the matter. What viewers can do switch to other sources that only report news to eventually drop TRP ratings and advertising revenues for channels that have lobbies influencing politics in news, making it tough for them to dump news waste into our homes.


All political aspirants come to streets to campaign, we the people cast our vote elect them and send them to parliament with authority under oath. We now expect them on our behalf to be in the parliament to conduct functions of legislation, oversee administration, pass budget, ventilation of public grievances and discuss various subjects like development plans, national policies and international relations. Strangely ruling and opposition elect representatives come back to streets and social media to be noticed.  

Elected representatives are to work, walk, and talk and get publicity for their actions inside parliament and not from acts on streets or debates outside the parliament. For matters the nation wants to know, the minister concerned from the ruling party and the minister in shadow by the opposition party can responsibly debate discuss and issue statements in all press meets. The large faculty of Guru Gyan givers on national matters must offer their gyan directly to concerned authorities for more impact rather than being on the idiot box and go waste.   


A press release of 20.03.23 states parliament lasted only 97 minutes in 5 days, costing the exchequer 50cr, what a waste. Being fair to ruling and opposition parties trust their worthiness seeing and listening to their actions only when inside parliament. Anything said done outside parliament are wastes dumping.  


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