Coffee has been great company with my thoughts and thinking exploring perceptions and possibilities. Its taste and aroma in every sip participates in planning, monitoring, evaluating, refining and transforming ideas and beliefs in the mind.
It is imperative we get to know the difference between thoughts & thinking. A one liner ‘thoughts are self-arising, thinking is a choice’.
For all of us thoughts pop into our head automatically it occupies mental real estate in the brain and mind working tirelessly to create trillions of thoughts, memories and ideas. These thoughts trigger a story and generate feelings, which then keeps one occupied in life. The act engages us with those things we control or want to, things we are influenced or want to and things over which we have no control. They include the perspectives we bring to any situation or experience that color our point of view for better, worse or neutral.
We need to realize our thoughts shape who we are and who we will become, as well as influencing our physical well-being and our emotional state. An example how it shapes with some is when they see others success the first thought that comes is of jealousy, why him?
Why can’t one just be happy for him? Stepping out of this meanness is surely possible.
Generally for most self-arising thoughts they bring feelings of being scared, in doubt or sadness which then triggers a commentary. These procrastinations, negativity and overthinking never helps but one surely stays engaged with these thoughts which only add more trouble with depressions and sinful thoughts.
Thinking is manipulating information so it must form concepts, engage in problem solving, reason and make wise decisions. Thinking, also known as 'cognition', refers to the ability to process information, hold attention, store and retrieve memories and select appropriate responses and actions. The ability to understand other people, and express oneself to others can also be categorized under thinking.
There are other circumstances, experiences as random events in our life which are not under our control (illness, job layoffs, the death of loved ones, accidents etc.) Acceptance and awareness helps dealing with them better.
We don’t have to stop thinking, just design your thinking better. Take an example “I thought about staying hydrated to sip my second cup of coffee. It’s a liquid, right?” but thinking better is replacing one of my daily coffee cups with a glass of water. It’s a small change as now I’m not just thinking about it; I’m actively incorporating healthier choices into my routine.
Unpleasant memory or interfering thoughts can make one’s daily activities difficult including one’s sleep. On the other hand the influence of one’s mind in its capability of conscious thinking brings the best in you to manage the self and others better. With or without Coffee monitor thoughts or the attitude to a new behavior with positivity into your thinking skills and one will be able to rid life from toxic thoughts that is undermining the happiness.
Thoughts and thinking meditates between one’s inner activity and external stimuli hence it is personal responsibility to think consciously often, which only gets better when one is spiritually more active.
Gurbani reminds us “Ih janam paḋaaraṫʰ paaé kæ har naam na chéṫæ liv laa▫é…. “The blessing of this human life has been obtained, but still people do not lovingly focus their thoughts on the Name of the Lord. Their feet slip, and they cannot stay here any longer. And in the next world, they find no place of rest at all. This opportunity shall not come again. In the end, they depart, regretting and repenting” SGGS Ang28