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A religious person’s son would come back from school leave his bag and rush towards the nearby woods this surprised his father. One day he followed his son, the son realised his father was following so he turned around and told him “There is no need to worry. I go into the woods to pray. It is in the woods that I can talk to God.” But God is the same everywhere.” Yes, papa. I know that God is the same everywhere. But I am not.”


“I am not the same everywhere” a great reflection of the kid knowing his weakness and also his deep bonding and understanding he developed with his God. The manner we bond ourselves in thoughts, words, actions, needs a watch with self-reflection.


Reflection is the examination of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings. In psychology the process of reflection relies exclusively on observation of one’s mental state. Human self-reflection is the capacity of humans to exercise introspection and the willingness to learn more about their fundamental nature, purpose and essence.


It’s essential to find out why you think say and do certain things in a particular manner. We give no time to reflect upon; however one needs to know what we perceive about ourselves is a reflection how we will end up living our lives. Self-reflection is a humbling process as in these quiet moments we give serious thoughts to our behaviors, attitudes, motivation, desires and also address our ignorance and importantly consider changes to improve and develop.  


Self-reflection enables one to move from just experiencing to understanding. It is under used but soon one realizes it is one of the powerful tools of success. The more reflective you are the more effective you are.


A work of art is the reflection of artist thoughts. Some public servants conduct their work with honestly and integrity a reflection of their values. The way we experience the world around is a direct reflection of the world within us. Down this path one realizes the multiple toxic relationships one has had were actually with self - everyone else was a reflection of that. What you like to receive from others you need to be that reflection. The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength in distress and grows brave by reflection.


In a spiritual context reflections refer to the examination of one’s soul: the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts and feelings. The need to bond and reflect Gurbani explains. 


“Kæhaa kanchan ṫutæ saar, agnee gand paaé lohaar.…… “When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established. If a husband leaves his wife, their children may bring them back together in the world, and the bond is established. When the king makes a demand, and it is met, the bond is established. When the hungry man eats, he is satisfied, and the bond is established. In the famine, the rain fills the streams to overflowing, and the bond is established. There is a bond between love and words of sweetness.

When one speaks the Truth, a bond is established with the Holy Scriptures. Through goodness and truth, the dead establish a bond with the living. Such are the bonds which prevail in the world. The fool establishes his bonds only when he is slapped in the face. Nanak says this after deep reflection: through the Lord’s Praise, we establish a bond with His Court”. SGGS ANG143


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