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Body a Storehouse .... How is the Storekeeper

Body a storehouse ………. ever wondered if not considered to review your role in being its good store keeper.

For life to be just going through motions is living in a state of mind where life is simply being taken for granted? A realization life is very precious comes because longevity is not granted to everyone and permanency to none. The only thing in certainty to life is death and until such time comes, the body is yours to live. Body our vast store house requires a conscious store keeper. We put up with years of academic study to take on a profession, years of practice to pick a skill, put in great many hours to conduct business activities to make money but a basic duty of being a knowledgeable store keeper to one’s body is often overlooked.


The body is an energy store house getting energy from the three main nutrients carbohydrates, protein and fats. Carbohydrates being the most important energy source, in cases where carbohydrates have been depleted, the body can utilize protein and fats for energy. Glucose is the main source of fuel for our cells. As a conscious storekeeper eating wisely and healthy is always rewarding.


Brain is a storehouse of knowledge. It is protected by skull, receives messages from the sense organs and other parts of the body and sends order for the action. As a good storekeeper wanting a better brain one must learn every single day. The brain that doesn’t feed itself eats itself.


Our body is also big store house with chemicals. The liver also a “chemical factory” — performing over 500 chemical functions in the body. The liver turns proteins and sugars into things that your body needs. A strong acid called hydrochloric acid is produced in our stomach, which helps digestion. A good store keeper should know how the body responds activating the feel-good brain chemistry to help balance mood and promote feelings of well-being.

 An adult body has some gold standard. In 5ltrs of blood an adult human body contains different metals such as iron, chromium, and zinc, as well as about 0.2 milligrams of gold. Bones contain deposits of calcium and phosphorus serving as a storehouse of minerals used when the body needs them. Bones are living tissue, having their own blood vessels and are made of living cells, which help them to grow and to repair themselves. A vacuole is called the storehouse of the cell because they store water, mineral salts, nutrients as well as waste products. The human body contains many salts of which sodium chloride is the major one.  


There is much more to the body however the storekeepers must know mind, body wealth are given by God and the least is to appreciate being in HIS gratitude. The body that does not appreciate the Naam its store keeper is infested with egotism and conflict. Even the ungrateful ones who assume the heart will continue to pump blood at a reasonable pressure, lungs will continue to exchange oxygen as needed and stomach will digest and intestines process whatever one eats, are still cherished by God… The ungrateful will someday realize and seek His grace ….. “Oh Nanak the forever forgiver”. 


Gurbani says “This mind, body and wealth were given by God, who naturally adorns us. He has blessed us with all our energy, and infused His Infinite Light deep within us. Forever and ever, meditate in remembrance on God; keep Him enshrined in your heart. SGGS Ang47 


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