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Be Blessed To Be Rare


A man sipping his tea kept staring at a young boy short distance away selling flowers outside a place of worship. Customers would cautiously examine the flowers quality, quantity and then haggle for price before buying. The tea vendor noticed this man staring and said that flower boy is Chottu he now replaces his mother who died a fortnight ago.


The man noticed something which many others missed. Finishing his tea walks across the road purchases a pair of slippers walks to the boy and says “Chottu this is for you”. Boy holds the slippers close to his heart, his smile expressing joy and with tears in eyes looks up to the man “are you God”.  No I am just someone like you. You then must be God’s friend, as just today morning I prayed to God my feet burn if only I had footwear. The man accepted the rare relation of being God’s friend, blessed the boy and left.


Guru Gobind Singh ji was watching Baba Deep Singh ji engrossed in cleaning a utensil.  Each time he closely looked at it he felt the need to scrub again. This went on for a while so Guru sahebji asked Baba Deep Singh ‘the container is well washed why do you still clean it’. Baba Deep response was something that remains a challenge with all of us. He said “I see myself in this and not my Guru. This container and my mind need more cleansing”. A rare stage where presence of Divine must prevail over everything in life especially the I. (haume) 


A middle aged person was questioned it is very rare to see a person so calm and composed in grave illness, suffering in pain with multiple health issues. He replied, in my conversation with God I seek strength to overcome the pains and suffering a condition that has come as His Hukum. Why me? or all other disturbing mind chattering thoughts are never part of me, hence the peace. Nam Simran helps me express gratitude for the way life is, as it could be worse. Seeking forgiveness and His grace are my expression of faith and devotion influencing His intervention for speedy recovery. For me every next breath I take it is healing granted under His Hukum.  


A young blind man would walk great distance, take a bus and struggle climbing several steps up to a religious place each day. One day negotiating his climb he bumped into a man. The blind man apologised but was questioned you seem to be blind; why do you take the trouble coming as when you reach the top you cannot even see the deity. The blind man response was rare “I do not see ‘Him’ but ‘He’ can see me. I come to express my gratitude for all what He has given.


Gurbani expresses we wander and roam through 8.4 million incarnations and it is a rare privilege to be in a human body.

In gratification are the rare breeds of people who give it their all in Lord’s devotion putting themselves last and caring for other livings. Their worldly life is driven with better senses following Divine’s path and Hukum. 


To the givers, forgivers and selfless lovers out there don’t let the cold world influence wrongly who you are. Be blessed to be Rare.


“The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant. Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with my body. O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare” SGGS Ang93


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