Separation a common ingredient in food for the soul and I choose to term it chatpata. Separation is costly a very difficult emotion and each one of us gets a taste of it. The truth in its awareness helps encounter its different shades better.
Equality and separation cannot exist in the same space, hence wonder how family members separate and attempt to settle in equal share. Strange indeed are family divisions and separations to feel no loss but bring about some unique satisfaction.
The first encounter of separation probably is the cutting of the umbilical cord, separating the biological connects between mother and a new born. In few years there is another psychological separation in parent-child relationship as the individual seeks independence, autonomy and self-perception on the basis of forming an intimate emotional connection with parents.
Separation happens in many different dimensions. Separation of Concerns (abbreviated as SoC) in computer science, separation can be a method that converts a mixture or solution of chemical substances, in mathematics separation of variables is any of several methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations etc.
Separation influences differently when you make it work as a sense of boundaries which isolate you. The sense of identity, who you think you are, has the feeling of you as separate from everyone else, the feeling of you as separate entity; this is me I end here, that’s when sense of boundaries isolate you.
The act of separating two or more people or the state of being separate is easier done when said now days. The coming together as husband and wife we tell the legal system, some go back to them, appealing to be separated. Presence of humility, love, values, ethics and a connect with spirituality influences better sense to prevail over separation.
Awareness of separation could bring better meaning and actions as seen in some situations:
* If there was no threat of separation no death to shake us to the core, we probably wouldn’t love much at all.
* Separation made between liberty and justice neither is safe.
* Too many doubts grow in the cracks of silence and separation.
* In the silence of our separation our hearts speak louder.
* Distance does not mean separation but it makes us to be together in spirit.
* Humans separating in the name of religion reflect ignorance in knowing their religion.
* There can be no separation in an organization, when you win as a team, loose as a team.
The Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels or divine journeys called Udasis covered areas that now fall under 9 different nations. During his travel separation in spirituality took correction and a new meaning. When he met groups of Hindu ascetics (siddhs) who had renounced the world, living in the caves of the Himalayas, he discussed that their way to attain liberation by separating the self and withdrawing from society and one’s family is not necessary. Guru Nanak Dev Ji believed that liberation can be attained while living in the world as a truth-oriented 'householder’, earning a living by honest work and showing the true path of life to the people.
The meaning of separation is not isolation but keeping oneself away from the evil and unscriptural conduct of this world so that we can stay true to the lord and His word.
Separation of power is to hear the word separation not as to bring sense of loss or heartbreak; it could be a blessing to know that you are separated from sin and false doctrines and are vessels of God's glory!